EU Fulfilment Update - 12th December
Greetings to one and all, and welcome back to the GamesQuest crowdfunding fulfilment update!
Thank you for joining us for another installment of the EU Fulfilment Update. If you are located in either Switzerland or Norway, please check the UK & ROW blog for your blog updates.
Please leave your questions in the comments section below. A member of our marketing team will respond and provide any information that we are able to share as soon as possible.
Unsettled 2 - Orange Nebula
The fulfilment of Unsettled // Orange Nebula is currently on hold due to the recent discovery of a manufacturing error. For further information, please see the recent Kickstarter update here.
Blog Corrections:
With that said, let’s get to it…
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As always, the information below is the best projection we can currently give of our schedule over the next few weeks.
Fully Dispatched
HECKNA (Book) // Hit Point Press |
Unfair expansion - Comicbook, Hacker, Kaiju, Ocean & Solo. // Good Games USA |
Fulfilment Underway
Daybreak // Palm Court |
Robot Quest Arena // Wise Wizard Games |
The Griffon's Saddlebag: Book 2 // The Griffon's Saddlebag |
The Walking Dead // Free League |
Final Administrative Checks
Fates End: Furhaven // Kimbolt LLC
If I Were A Lich Man // Hit Point Press

The Dark Crystal 40th Anniversary Library // BOOM! Studios
Project Data Analysis
Dice Tome Vol 2 // Artefact Games
Dungeon Crusade // Groovus Games Limited
Exordium: Ionna - Chaos & Pirate Setting for 5E // Seventh Sense Studio
HECKNA (Box Set) // Hit Point Press
Homeworld Fleet Command // Modiphius
Ivion The Herocrafting Card Game // Luminary Games
Kuiperium // White Water Castle
Mosaic // University Games
Awaiting Project Arrival From Port
Project On The Water/In The Air
2024 Quest Calendar // Sundial Games LLC
Detective: Saints & Sinners // Van Ryder
Frameamajigs // Hit Point Press
Quest Calender // Sundial Games LLC
The Expanse // BOOM! Studios
What's OLD is NEW Starter Box // EN Publishing
Held For Additional Checks
Unsettled // Orange Nebula
So, there it is, we hope it’s been useful to you and you’ve found what you were looking for. If you haven’t, please head over to our customer service page HERE, and if you still can’t find what you’re after, please CONTACT US or drop us a comment below.
Fulfilment Update Headings - What do they mean?
If you would like further information regarding what each header means please click here.
That’s it for this week, see you next time.
Hello Oskar and Frank! The fulfilment of Griffons Saddleback is still currently underway. We are not too sure where it seems to have disappeared off to this week, but we have now readded it for you both :).
- Teams GamesQuest
Any word on the EU shipping of Griffons Saddlebag book 2? The email on the 30th of November said the addresses would be locked by the 3rd of Dec, that’s 2 weeks ago.
Any news about Unsettled delivery from orange nebula?
On my side, I’ll be away for holidays, so it will be better to wait for January for the expedition.
Is it the current plan? Or do I need to open a ticket to your support to request for a postpone?
Thank you.
i was just wondering if The Griffon’s Saddlebag: Book 2 is in the pipeline because i cant see it on the eu post but its on the us/row post?
Hi Kim! Thank you for leaving a comment. To ensure the blog is as accurate as possible, a project is marked as on the water until all stock and shipments have been account for on site.
Stock for Quest Calendars is now accounted for on site and will be updated for next weeks blog. We hope this helps clear up any confusion.- Team GamesQuest