UK & ROW Fulfilment Update - 28th June
Greetings one and all, and welcome to the new GamesQuest.co.uk website!
Thank you for finding us for another instalment of the UK & ROW Fulfilment Update. We know that these updates are so important to you backers (yes we see you sharing the blog on Kickstarter, thank you so much keep up the good work!).
We want to assure you, they will be exactly the same but with the addition of a comments section (be nice) for questions regarding the projects we’re fulfilling. These questions will be answered in a video going live in a separate blog post on Wednesday, which will also be shared on our social media channels.
Speaking of which, keep an eye on our social channels for updates.
We'll also be featuring game reviews, Kickstarter previews, interviews and a ton more so please support us and our awesome writers by checking out the blog when you can.
With all that said, let’s get to it…but first...
Hey there Etherfields backers
We see and hear you. We are well aware that this project hasn't gone as smoothly as it could or as the majority of our fulfilments.
As always, we like to be as transparent as we can be, so here it is; yep, this one just didn't go well and we're sorry for that.
On the 26th of April, we put out a statement on our blogs to give you guys a heads up about some delays that would be hitting scheduled projects within a 6 week period. Unfortunately, and to everyone's regret, Etherfields has been one of those.
We would usually try to put out % based updates on bigger/longer projects such as Nemesis Lockdown. So, for the sake of some excuse making, we were unable to do that this time around for a few reasons being that we were busy trying to get ahead of the delays, plus UKGE and launching our new website.
We have been in contact with Awaken Realms and explained the situation and apologised for the time it has taken. We very much hope to continue working with them, they are fantastic people and create brilliant games we as gamers have also backed and are big fans off.
To the present, we are just about over the 90% mark for pre-packed orders and expect to have them fully dispatched late this week/early next.
Team GamesQuest
Fully Dispatched
Car Wars // Steve Jackson Games
Skeptics // Usiak
Remarkable Cults & Their Followers // LoreSmyth |
*Please allow one week to receive a dispatched/tracking email
Fulfilment Underway
Etherfields 2nd Wave (ENG) // Awaken Realms |
Expand the Universe // Themeborne |
Overstocked // Play for Keeps |
Stargate RPG // Modiphius |
Villagers Expansion // Sinister Fish Games |
Final Administrative Checks
Connecting Flights // Bazzite Games
Solasta // Tactical Adventures
Vaesen Mythic Britain // Free League
Project Data Analysis
Awaiting Project Arrival From Port
The Light in the Mist // PostCurious
Project On The Water/In The Air
Dog Park // Birdwood Games
Pieces of Masters // Senine co Ltd.
Viking Raiders Card Game // Neowulf Games
Future Projects
A nightmare in Sutradain // FAE Games
Aegean RPG // We Evolve
Age of Sails Dice // Terratop Workshop
Alchemy & Poisoncraft // Cabal of Enchantment
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent // Warchief Gaming
Awkward Card Game // Snap Finger Click
Blood and Plunder // Firelock Games LLC
Castles of Mad King Ludwig // QML
Compatible Playmats // Crafting Kingdoms
Critical Core // Game to Grow
Europa Universalis: The Price of Power // Aegir Games
Fossil Canyon // Polymath Play
Herbalist's Primer // Exalted Funeral
Heroes of Barcadia // Rollacrit
ScandalOh // Megacorpin Games
Sheol // Lunar Oak Studio
Uncharted Lands // 3D Printed Tabletop
Held For Additional Checks
The Untamed Beastiary: A Field Guide to Marvelous Monsters // Untamed Beasts - Awaiting contact from publisher.
Click here for the details of our status headings.
So, there it is, we hope it’s been useful to you and you’ve found what you were looking for. If you haven’t, please head over to our customer service page HERE, and if you still can’t find what you’re after, please CONTACT US or drop us a comment below.
That’s it for this week, see you next time.
Could you please define pre-packed for Etherfields. Does this mean packed by the factory, you receive as is with nothing to add?
Therefore if one has bought the Kittenburg expansion, does this chage to you opening the faactory box and adding the small card expoansion? If so what now is your projected delivery approx date? Thanks
Sheol is on the water rather than “future projects”. Ship name is OOCL Indonesia.
How do you handle U.S. fulfillment? Is it outsourced or handled through a local Gamesquest hub? Should I check this UK+ROW blog for updates for U.S.?
What purpose would that serve, aside from just removing freedom of speech? No one has been rude here. Only stating the facts. The lack of communication has been extremely frustrating. And if they aren’t up to the task of a large fulfillment like this, then they shouldn’t have accepted it. Yet Gamesquest was virtually silent for 4 weeks, only for them to say they aren’t even half way done with the fulfillment despite already being 12 weeks into it.
I think you should screen comments before they go live, it might persuade those that are going to be rude to not bother.
In reply to Ian:
Your last sentence is encompassing of all backers. Not all disappointed backers are rude in expressing their displeasure, so no need to apologise on behalf of all backers – as you do.
That being said, in my experience, backers become more aggressive and rude the longer there is radio silence from the creator and/or delivery company.
None of this would have happened if either company would just simply have communicated with us.
The frustration of non-comms only fuels anger. If there are problems in the future, just tell us! And not after the fact. I’m certain that would eliminate the vast majority of complaints (I do acknowledge however that the odd backer or two is rude regardless…).
For transparency, I was a late pledger so couldn’t comment on the KS pages anyway :-)