UK & ROW Fulfilment Update - 30th August
Greetings one and all, and welcome back to the GamesQuest.co.uk website! Thank you for finding us for another instalment of the UK & ROW Fulfilment Update.
Big thank you for those that posted questions/comments on last weeks fulfilment updates, we hope you found it useful. Please make sure sure you get your comments in by 9am Thursday morning to get your answers!
Keep an eye on our social channels for fulfilment updates and news.
Royal Mail Industrial Action (UK)
Delivery times may be affected due to planned industrial action. This will take place on the 31st August, and the 1st, 7th and 10th September. Services are still running however disruption is likely to be caused.
For more information please check out the Royal Mail website here.
With that said, let’s get to it…
Fully Dispatched
Mind Bug // Nerd Lab (German Card Replacements are now Dispatched) |
Sheol // Lunar Oak Studio (Outstanding orders now dispatched) |
Thunder Rolls // Mr B Games |
*Please allow one week to receive a dispatched/tracking email
Fulfilment Underway
Castles of Mad King Ludwig // QML |
North Guard // Open Sesame |
Practical GM Guide // Geeks Table |
Final Administrative Checks
Awkward Card Game // Snap Finger Click
Dog Park // Birdwood Games
Legendary Metal Coins: Season 6 // Drawlab Entertainment
The One Ring // Free League
Project Data Analysis
Forbidden Psalm: The Last War // Exalted Funeral
Old School Essentials // Exalted Funeral
The Herbal Journal // Sarsen Games
Awaiting Project Arrival From Port
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent // Warchief Gaming
Chronicles of Drunagor // Creative Game Studio
CY BORG // Free League
Heroes of Barcadia // Rollacrit
The War Room // Nightingale Games LLC
Project On The Water/In The Air
1815, Scum of the Earth // Hall or Nothing Productions
Blade Runner //Free League
Grand Archive TCG // Weebs of the Shore LLC
Hamsters vs Hippos // Tin Robot Games
Ironsworn: Starforged // Absolute Tabletop
Kibbles Compendium // KibblesTasty
Owl Plushie // MetalWeave
Spire's End: Hildegard // Favro Ventures, LLC
Viking Raiders Card Game // Neowulf Games
Um, Actually // Wiggles 3D
Future Projects
A nightmare in Sutradain // FAE Games
Aegean RPG // We Evolve
Age of Sails Dice // Terratop Workshop
Alchemy & Poisoncraft // Cabal of Enchantment
Blood and Plunder // Firelock Games LLC
Compatible Playmats // Crafting Kingdoms
Critical Core // Game to Grow
Europa Universalis: The Price of Power // Aegir Games
Uncharted Lands // 3D Printed Tabletop
Held For Additional Checks
Herbalist's Primer // Exalted Funeral (Awaiting Additional Stock - Please check the Kickstarter page for more details.)
So, there it is, we hope it’s been useful to you and you’ve found what you were looking for. If you haven’t, please head over to our customer service page HERE, and if you still can’t find what you’re after, please CONTACT US or drop us a comment below.
That’s it for this week, see you next time.
I hear you are fulfilling Fall of the Mountain King by Burnt Island Games but can’t see it on your schedule anywhere – have you got any info on this?
What is going on with Drawlabs Legenday Coins? What is the delay, have they paid you?
Hello GamesQuest team! Accordingly to the publisher’s latest Kickstarter update, Endangered Orphans House of Wrath has arrived at the UK port and is going to be with you once through customs for mid-September fulfilment, however it doesn’t appear on your list above. Could you please advise if you have any updates? Many thanks